Demerits of ICT

Demerits of ICT

Not only does ICT help us as enabler to perform our day today activities, it has become a close companion also. However, if you use this companion in an undue manner it may bring forth undesirable effects to you as well to the whole world.

  •  Addiction – A student or any other person who immerses himself/herself in the use of computer or who plays games on internet without limit, may lose track of education and/or end up with ailments such as sore eyes, back pain, head ache etc. 
  • Building unsuitable friendships through social media. 
  • The computers could become infected by virus due to improper use of internet. 
  • Negative effects on psychology of a person by visiting improper websites.
  • Publishing of edited photographs and videos of individuals affecting their personal lives.

There is an opinion that ICT has negative impacts on human society due to issues such as the above. But we have understood that the systems made by ICT make most of man's routine work effortless. Therefore, it is our responsibility to use ICT in a responsible manner.

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