The Components of a System

The Components of a System

Once, man used to process data using a pen, pencil or other devices. But today the computer has become man’s data processor. A system is a combination of  components that work together to fulfill a task. According to the figure 1.3 a computer processes the data that we input,according to the commands and provide us with the required information in the desired form. Therefore, we call the computer a ‘System’.

We use many such systems in our day today activities. Let us consider some of the examples:
Example 1 -

ATM Automatic Teller Machine When the bank ATM card is inserted to ATM machine, data is processed and information regarding the account is given.

After scanning the QR code by a smart phone and connecting to the internet, further informantion can be obtained from the website of the relevant item.

 Example 4 - Processing business information

We understand that we can get information by processing data and thisinformation can be used to arrive at decisions. However, not all information is suitable for making decisions. Information obtained should be of good quality. There are many characteristics of quality information. A few of them are given below:

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